Houghton's Bridal Show was unlike no other. It surrounded a film shown at ArtBeam of young boss inspiring women working in NYC. All friends of designer Katherine Polk. The collection was made for them. The film touched on topics like depression, eating disorders, health and fitness and motherhood.
The following was said in the film and it really resonated with me...
"Especially in New York where we are all transplants. We leave our homes, we come here to make new lives and in making new lives we make new families and new friends and those are the people that are here for fucking terrible things and through incredible things."
Being a freelancer can sometimes be a very lonely job, but it's the clients, family, and friends I have made in NYC that make my job and life so special. I am blessed to have them a part of my life and journey.
Check out the film on Houghton's Youtube page