Following my days at the workshop, I flew with the Coach team to London to shoot Selena at the Regent Store meet and greet. The first day in London I spent bopping around the city capturing the Selena bag in front of tourist spots like Buckingham Palace, The London Eye and in a phone booth. It was the perfect first day to settle in because I got to tour the city and work simultaneously.
The next day I covered her arrival at the Coach Regent store and her meet and greets with hundreds of fans. Fans waited outside in the cold with hot chocolate and little heart Coach hand warmers waiting to be led inside to a line that weaved around the store and downstairs to the second floor. I saw so many tears and heard multiple heart felt stories of fans battling with sickness and finding peace in her music.
When all the fans had cleared out I followed Selena to her hotel, where I took some last minute photos of her dress (See pervious post) and took a portrait of Stuart on his way to the British Fashion Awards.