For the past 2 days, I covered the OUT NEXT conference. Although I am hired to photograph the events for the conference, OUT gives me an unforgettable experience that can't be captured in a photo.
I had the privilege of listening to speakers like David Mixner, International Human Rights Activist and Bestselling Author, Jim Obergefell, Plantiff in Obergefell v. Hodges, and South African Slam Poet and TED Fellow Lee Mokobe.
This job was challenging creatively. How can I capture someone's words in a photograph and not make it look like just an image of someone standing at a podium? How can I make someone looking at my photograph feel the same sense of emotion I feel hearing such powerful stories?
I hope I was successful in capturing the conference and experience through a series of images telling the story of David, Jim, Lee and all the other speakers and attendees.
I left the conference feeling inspired, stronger and more in tune with myself and my brand. Surrounded by amazing emerging leaders in the LBGT community, I learned how important it is to stay true to yourself and how it effects your work, relationships and day to day life.
I encourage you to check out OUT's website and learn more about the amazing summits they put together around the world, making the work force and business world a better place for everyone.